Oh, wow! Has this been on mute all this time?
Hi everybody! Thanks for coming by. I’ve got lots of stories to catch up on, starting with the NAB Show (which every TV enthusiast must attend at least once) and continuing on to the latest from FilmOn, Aereo, and some satellite stuff too.
I slapped a new coat of paint on this blog as well to help bring it up to date with its evolving mission. We’ll talk about free TV (as in free speech) no matter where it comes from.
One of the ongoing trends is toward directed, on-demand viewing, as opposed to just turning on the TV to see what’s on. In that spirit, I’ve made a couple of additions. At the FTABlog home page, there’s a rotating cartoon from archive.org, which is a great resource for free TV. And I’ll be embedding more 80s music videos now and then. They’re fun to watch, and they’re a great example of my First Law of Programming: Every channel, no matter how it started, becomes like every other channel. Remember how MTV started?
So please keep checking back to see what’s new, and suggest what you might want to see. Thanks for coming by.